High End LED Straatligte vervaardiger in China

  • 10+ jaar se ondervinding in die vervaardiging van straatlig
  • IP65 waterdig & IK08 Aluminium dop vir hoë-doeltreffendheid hitte-afvoer
  • 3 jaar waarborg en onderhoudsvry

    LEDAPLUS vervaardig die beste LED-straatligte om u besigheid op te skerp

    Veelvuldige standaard LED Straatligte vir jou keuse

    Gebaseer op die eise van jou teikenmark, kan jy ons standaard LED-straatligte van 30W tot 250W kies om by jou projekte te pas.’ vereistes. LEDAPLUS-span kan jou ook help om die regte model te kies as jy dit nodig het.

    Street Lights Manufacturer (1)

    Ontwikkel nuwe LED-straatligte vir jou handelsmerk

    Om 'n LED-straatligte-vervaardiger te wees met 10+ jaar se R&Met ondervinding, kan LEDAPLUS vir jou perfekte straatligte voorsien op grond van jou spesifieke vereistes. Stuur net vir ons jou ontwerp of idee, ons sal die produkte volgens jou ontwerp of idee met jou handelsmerk voltooi.

    LEDAPLUS LED Straatligte

    As 'n toonaangewende LED-straatligvervaardiger in China, kan LEDAPLUS u besigheid vir straat en paaie ondersteun.

    LEDAPLUS is daartoe verbind om kliënte te voorsien van professionele tegniese ondersteuning, kwaliteit straatbeligtingstoebehore en goeie pryse, gebaseer op 10+ jaar se professionele R&D en produksie ondervinding. Van LEDAPLUS kry jy elke kwartaal die nuutste LED-straatligte-ontwerpe en inligting oor die padbeligting. Om jou projekte beter te ondersteun of om die bod te kry, kan jy die IES van elke standaard straatlig van LEDAPLUS kry sonder enige ekstra koste.

    Stuur nou jou navraag vir jou volgende straatligbestelling, gewoonlik kry jy ons beste kwotasie binne 8 werksure.

    Street Lights Manufacturer (2)

    LEDAPLUS: LED Straatligte Vervaardiger

    LEDAPLUS LED Straatligte is gemaak van aluminium deur gietwerk. Dit speel 'n goeie hitteafvoer en verseker die lang lewensduur. Volledige reeks van 30W tot 240W LED-straatlig om verskillende eise van jou projekte en aanbiedinge te beantwoord.

    Met die IK08 impakbeskermingsgradering en IP65 waterdigte gradering kan u ons LED-straatligte veilig gebruik vir u projekte in die buitelug sonder onderhoudskoste.

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    LED Straatlig LD031030W

    LED Street Lights Manufacturer LD031050W

    LED Straatlig LD031050W

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    LED Straatlig LD031150W

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    LED Straatlig LD033050W

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    LED Street Lights Manufacturer LD032150W

    LED Straatlig LD032150W

    Wil jy 'n betroubare vervaardiger van LED-ligte vind?

    eggo van LEDAPlus

    Hallo, ek is Echo, die bemarkingsbestuurder van LEDAPLUS. Ons sal altyd u betroubare vervaardiger van LED-ligte in China wees. Bereik my by echo@ledaplus.com of Selfoon: +86-13427598079 om 'n kwotasie vir jou bestelling te kry VRY.

      things about street light you might be interested in

      Unsure where to begin? Start by exploring the most prevalent street light specifications in the current market.

      • Brightness: Ranges from 20W to 400W, accommodating various illumination needs from residential pathways to bustling highways.
      • Water Resistance: Rated IP65 and IP66, ensuring durability against harsh weather conditions.
      • Kleur temperatuur: Fixed at 3000K, providing a warm, inviting glow.
      • Voltage: Standard 12V for compatibility with diverse power systems.
      • Base Type and Width: E40, is a robust and versatile choice for many applications.

      Have a concept in mind? Contact LEDAPLUS, and our experts will assist you in customizing your street light style.

      Architectural Street Lighting

      Architectural street lighting fixtures blend aesthetic appeal with functionality. Primarily designed to enhance the visual appeal of streets, sidewalks, and public areas, these lights also provide a modest level of illumination for safety. They add a decorative touch, often reflecting the character of the surrounding architecture.

      LED Solar Street Lighting

      LED solar street lighting harnesses solar energy through panels, converting sunlight into electricity. This eco-friendly and energy-efficient solution is gaining popularity due to its sustainability and cost-effectiveness. Solar street lights require minimal maintenance and reduce electricity bills, making them a smart choice for both urban and rural areas.

      Intelligent Street Lighting

      Intelligent street lighting systems offer advanced control and efficiency. Each light is individually managed, allowing for adjustments in brightness, color, and even lighting patterns based on specific needs. This adaptability is particularly beneficial in areas like airports and stadiums, where dynamic lighting is essential. Vorlane’s intelligent lighting solutions set the standard for modern, controllable, and eco-friendly street illumination.

      Decorative Street Lighting

      Decorative street lighting enhances the aesthetic appeal and safety of neighborhoods. By providing better illumination, it not only beautifies the area but also contributes to a safer environment. Regular maintenance ensures these lights remain in top condition, continuing to add charm and security to public spaces.

      LED Floodlights

      LED floodlights offer powerful, broad-beam illumination ideal for large outdoor areas such as sports arenas, parking lots, and industrial sites. These lights are highly energy-efficient and durable, providing consistent, high-intensity lighting that enhances safety and visibility.

      Solar Bollard Lights

      Solar bollard lights are compact, self-sustaining lighting solutions perfect for pathways, gardens, and parks. Utilizing solar power, they are easy to install and maintain, offering an eco-friendly option for enhancing outdoor spaces with subtle yet effective lighting.

      Light Source

      The core component of any street light, the light source, typically uses high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps. These are far more powerful than traditional incandescent bulbs, ensuring streets are well-lit and safe.


      The pole supports the street light, usually made of durable materials like metal or concrete, and can reach up to 12 meters in height. It ensures stability and optimal light distribution.


      Connecting the pole to the light fixture, the arm is generally made of metal and can extend up to 2 meters. It positions the light for optimal coverage and efficiency.


      The reflector directs the light from the lamp, ensuring it illuminates the street evenly and effectively. This component maximizes the light’s efficiency and coverage.

      1. Raw Material Sourcing: The process begins with sourcing aluminum, glass, and steel.
      2. Cutting and Shaping: These materials are then cut and shaped into the necessary components.
      3. Assembly and Testing: The parts are assembled and rigorously tested to meet safety and quality standards.
      4. Packaging: Once approved, the street lights are packaged for shipment.
      5. Installation: The final product is installed at its designated location, and ready for use.

      Improved Visibility

      Street lighting enhances visibility for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists, contributing to safer road conditions. Enhanced visibility also helps reduce the number and severity of accidents.

      Reduced Crime

      Effective street lighting deters criminal activity by increasing the risk of detection. Well-lit areas are less attractive to potential offenders, and witnesses can more easily identify perpetrators.


      Well-designed street lights improve the visual appeal of an area, making it more welcoming and inviting. This can foster a sense of safety and community, enhancing the overall atmosphere.

      Energy Efficiency

      Modern street lighting solutions are increasingly energy-efficient, lowering operational costs and reducing environmental impact. This makes them a sustainable choice for municipalities and businesses alike.

      Environmental Impact

      Energy-efficient street lights significantly reduce carbon emissions, contributing to a greener environment. Solar-powered options further minimize the ecological footprint by harnessing renewable energy.

      Cost Savings

      LED and solar street lights have lower operational and maintenance costs compared to traditional lighting solutions. Their long lifespan and energy efficiency translate into substantial savings for municipalities and businesses.


      Streetlights enhance nighttime visibility and safety in various settings, including roadways, freeways, bridges, parks, and plazas. Industrial LED strip lights also serve as effective street lighting in commercial and industrial areas, offering bright, energy-efficient illumination.


      Strategically placed street lights can highlight architectural features and enhance the aesthetic appeal of urban environments. This accent lighting helps create unique, visually pleasing spaces.

      Power Generation

      Street lights equipped with solar panels can generate electricity, which powers the lights and other devices like traffic signals, security cameras, or public Wi-Fi hotspots. This dual functionality maximizes the utility of street lighting infrastructure.

      Public Safety

      Well-lit streets improve public safety by deterring criminal activities and enabling better surveillance. This application is crucial in residential neighborhoods, business districts, and public parks.

      Event Lighting

      Street lights can be adapted for special events or festivals, providing temporary lighting solutions that enhance the ambiance and ensure safety during nighttime activities. This flexibility makes them valuable for urban planning and community events.

      Essential Factors in Choosing High-Performance Street Lighting

      Ander verwante LED-ligte kan in u projekte gebruik word

      LED Flood Lights Vervaardiger TG014300W